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09 luglio 2021 ore 16:30, diretta Facebook @EAunivpm

All’interno del ciclo di conferenze
09 LUGLIO 2021 – 16:30
Diretta Facebook alla pagina @Eaunivpm

Fabrizio Barozzi – Estudio Barozzi Veiga

Gian Luca Gregori – Rettore Università Politecnica delle Marche
Maurizio Bevilacqua – Preside Facoltà di Ingegneria Univpm

Gianluigi Mondaini – Presidente del CdL in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura

Fabrizio Barozzi – Estudio Barozzi Veiga

Paolo Bonvini – Composizione Architettonica I
Maddalena Ferretti, Francesco Rotondo – Composizione Architettonica II
Gianluigi Mondaini – Composizione Architettonica III, Progettazione Sostenibile dell’Architettura e della Città

DICEA – Area Progetto
HHH – Hub for Heritage and Habitat

In collaborazione con l’Ordine Architetti (OAPPCAN), con l’Ordine Ingegneri di Ancona (OIA), e il collegio Provinciale Geometri, che riconoscono agli iscritti partecipanti rispettivamente 3 cf, 2 cf e 1 cf.

Barozzi Veiga was founded in Barcelona by Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga in 2004. The practice has since worked internationally in public and private projects including cultural, civic, educational and residential buildings.

Barozzi Veiga’s built work includes the Ribera del Duero Headquarter (2011), the Auditorium Infanta Elena in Águilas (2011), the Szczecin Philarmonic Hall (2014), the Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur (2016), the Ragenhaus Musikschule in Bruneck (2018), the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2019) and the Tanzhaus Zürich (2019). Currently, the office is developing upcoming projects in Germany, Belgium, England, China, and United States.

At the beginning of the career, Barozzi Veiga has been distinguished with the Ajac Young Catalan Architect Award (2007), the Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Award (2011) and with the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture for the Best Debut Work (2012). Thereafter, the office has been awarded with the Young Talent of Italian Architecture Award (2013), the Design Vanguard Award (2014), the Fad International Award (2015) and the Life in Architecture Award (2015). Barozzi Veiga has also received nominations for the Iakov Chernikhov International Prize (2008), for the Design of the Year (2015), for the Fad Award (2018) and for the International Swiss Architectural Award (2018).

In 2015 the project for the Szczecin Philharmonic received the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture and in 2018, the Fine art Museum in Chur, Switzerland, has been awarded with the RIBA Award for International Excellence. In 2019 Barozzi Veiga has been granted the Chicago Atheneum International Award, the Best Architects 20 Award and the AD Award Architects of the Year. In 2020 the office has been shortlisted for the International FAD Award and for the Dezeen Awards. More recently, the newly built MCBA Lausanne won the NAN Award and the Grand Prix Fritz-Höger-Preis 2020 for Brick Architecture.

Throughout the years, the office contributed to several international exhibitions, including the Chicago Architecture Biennal (2017) and the Biennale di Venezia (2014 and 2016).

In 2016 Barozzi Veiga presented ‘A sentimental monumentality’, an installation and an essay that defined the conceptual framework of its work, later compiled in the monographs Barozzi Veiga published by Park Books (2014), a+u 535 (2015), A-Mag (2018) and TC 149 (2021).

Since 2019, a selection of drawings and models by Barozzi Veiga became part of the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.


16 Luglio 2024

XIV edizione – Rovine&Ripari

Il tema di questa 14° edizione, ROVINE&RIPARI, è pensato come un ulteriore dispositivo per avvicinare la spiaggia di Marzocca ai fenomeni e ai concetti che viviamo ogni giorno.

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1 Luglio 2024

CITYSCAPE24 – Upcycle Ancona

Quest’anno l’evento si concentrerà sul tema “UPCYCLE ANCONA – riabitare creativamente la prima periferia storica”. L’inaugurazione avrà luogo il 5 luglio 2024 presso la Chiesa del Gesù, a partire dalle ore 16:00.

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22 Aprile 2024

Demanio Marittimo – Selezione di idee per l’allestimento dello spazio pubblico

Oggetto della selezione è la progettazione dell’allestimento dello spazio pubblico che accoglierà la XII edizione di “Demanio Marittimo – Km 278”.

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